Imagine a world with a literacy rate of only 3%. What if, out of every 100 people, only 3 could read and write? Right now, in America, there are over 320 million people, yet fewer than 9 million of us, less than 3%, can read and write code – the language of technology. So, what […]
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Enroll in “Real-World Ethical Hacking” for Just $10! You Get 80% Off (Save $40) by Joining This Week!
August 29, 2017
Students Are Loving “Real-World Ethical Hacking” and “Learn Java the Easy Way”! I just learned that both of my new courses, Real-World Ethical Hacking: Hands-on Cybersecurity and Learn Java the Easy Way: Build Desktop & Android Mobile Apps are rated in the top 10% of all courses on Udemy! These courses join my best-selling Teach Your Kids to Code (Python) to give […]
UNG cited as a national leader in cyber security education
May 27, 2016

The University of North Georgia (UNG) recently earned designation as a National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense (CAE-CDE). The designation is from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the National Security Agency (NSA) who jointly sponsor the National Centers of Academic Excellence (CAE) program. Universities are designated based on their robust degree […]
Join 6,000 Students in My New Java Course in 2016!
January 4, 2016

You can celebrate the new year by joining over 6,000 students in my brand new Java programming course, “Learn Java Like a Kid: Build Three Desktop and Mobile Apps!” on Udemy – and, thanks to the Udemy New Year’s Promotion, you can enroll for just $10 by using the coupon code 10REASONS! I would love […]
Join My FREE O’Reilly Webcast Tomorrow (8/13 1pm ET/10am PT): “Teach Your Kids to Code”
August 12, 2015

There’s still time! Register now for my FREE O’Reilly Webinar, “Teach Your Kids to Code: Basic concepts with Turtle graphics in Python”, LIVE tomorrow, Thursday, August 13, 2015, from 10-11am Pacific Time (1-2pm Eastern). You can register for free at – I’ll be demonstrating how you can teach (and learn) basic programming concepts likes variables, loops […]
Over 1,100 Students Enrolled in “Teach Your Kids to Code” Course Online!
August 9, 2015

We launched “Teach Your Kids to Code” as a Udemy online course in mid-July, and over 1,100 students have enrolled in less than a month! If you’re one of my students, thank you for taking the course – if you haven’t signed up yet, you can still use the coupon code FRIENDS27 to get $30 off and start […]
New Udemy Course: “Teach Your Kids to Code: Python Programming for All Ages”
July 16, 2015

Get $30 off and help us celebrate the launch of our online course, “Teach Your Kids to Code” for only $57 $27 at with the coupon code FRIENDS27 – Covers chapters 1-7 of the book, in quick, two- to six- minute videos you and your student can enjoy together! ** Use the Coupon Code KIDSCODE27 to save $30 […]
Teach Your Kids to Code debuts at #1 spot on Amazon
May 4, 2015

Teach Your Kids to Code debuted at the #1 spot in Children’s Programming Books on Amazon this past week, and as a #1 Hot New Release in both Python and in Beginner’s Programming Books! I owe a sincere debt of gratitude to everyone who pre-ordered Teach Your Kids to Code and to those who purchased it on […]
Building Mobile Apps for Fun and Profit
March 1, 2014

Wow! I’ve got 62 students in two sections of Mobile App Development this semester at UNG, the most popular computer science elective we’ve ever offered! We’re programming apps in Android and iOS, and having a blast! It’s so popular, we’ve added a new Minor in Mobile App Development that starts this Fall 2014 – CSCI […]
Building the next Facebook/Twitter/etc.
November 1, 2013

The tools to build the next billion-user app (like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, GMail, etc.) are more easily within reach than ever before – in fact, perhaps they’re within reach for the first time, ever. Just ten years ago (2003), there was no Facebook (it first went online in 2004), no Twitter (2006), no YouTube (2005), […]
April 24, 2018