Comments on: Science, tech jobs pay more, lead in growth author | professor | cybersecurity director | TEDx speaker Fri, 14 Sep 2012 08:33:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: David Fri, 11 Nov 2011 01:44:43 +0000 I always read these statistics with my tongue in my cheek. Sure, the job market may follow predicted trends. There may also be a considerable surplus of qualified people looking for those jobs. Recent trends in grants and scholarships are pushing students into the STEM fields. There is such an emphasis on the need we have today, that I wonder if that need will still be here tomorrow, many STEM jobs are currently held on the consumer technology market will they stick around as consumers tighten their belts and replace their hardware less frequently. There is always a silver lining, a competitive job market in the private sector always makes public jobs more desirable and .gov could use some good programmers.
